Schneider Electric Preventa XPS-AK Series — For Emergency Stop and Switch Monitoring, Category 0 | Types: XPS-AFL, XPS-AR, XPS-AK, XPS-AXE, XPS-AC, XPS-AF:
Safety modules XPSAK meet the requirements of Performance Level PL e/Category 4 conforming to standard EN/ISO 13849-1.
XPS-AK Features:
Monitoring Emergency stop circuits conforming to standards EN/ISO 13850 and EN/IEC 60204-1
Electrical monitoring of switches activated by protection devices, with optional selection of synchronisation time between signals
Monitoring 4-wire sensing mats or edges
Monitoring type 4 light curtains conforming to EN/IEC 61496-1 which have solid-state safety outputs with test function (light curtains XUSL)
Housed in a compact enclosure, the modules have 3 safety outputs, a relay signalling output and 4 solid-state signalling outputs for signalling to the process PLC
Preventa safety modules XPSAKppppP incorporate removable terminal blocks, thus optimising machine maintenance
To aid diagnostics, the modules have 4 LEDs on the front face which provide information on the monitoring circuit status
The Start button monitoring function is configurable depending on the wiring
PLe/Category 4 conforming to EN/ISO 13849-1, SILCL3 conforming to EN/IEC 61508 and EN/IEC 62061